
Spanish 2 – Syllabus
Señora Jagears –

Spanish 2 is a beginning-level Spanish course. Students will begin to develop their language proficiency skills through interactions with the target language.

Students will be able to:
  • Practice listening to, reading, speaking, and writing Spanish.
  • Practice pronunciation skills by recording and listening to their own voice and then comparing it to native speakers along with in class instruction.
  • Begin developing their ability to express themselves effectively and with confidence in Spanish.
  • Take responsibility for their learning process.

Texts (provided by Faith Academy):
Spanish is Fun: Book 2 Text and Supplementary Notebook by Wald and Ramirez
A Beginning Spanish Reader (TBD)

  • You will need to sign Faith Academy’s COVID waiver or you will not be admitted into the building to attend class.
  • You'll need internet access for some homework -

  • Tuesdays and Fridays at Faith Academy from 1:15-3:00 (Expect pop quizzes and tests to start classes)
First day of Spanish class – Aug. 18th
We will not meet –Oct. 16th, Nov. 24th, Nov. 27th, Dec. 22nd, Dec. 25th, Dec. 29th, Jan. 1st, Mar. 12th, Mar. 16th, Mar. 19th, Apr. 2nd, Apr. 23rd
Last day of Spanish class– May 25th

Final grades for this class will be based on your performance, participation in all class activities, group activities, assignments, projects, and exams.

Informal assignment grading (assignments without right/wrong answers)
A – Demonstrates excellence in grasping key concepts; readily participates in discussion; helps critique the work of others; applies assigned skills flexibly, demonstrating  assigned skills have been ingrained; Expands upon prompts and discussions using everything they’d so far acquired.
B – Shows evidence of understanding most of the major concepts; is able to participate in discussion when prompted; works with others using the target language adequately; applies assigned skills appropriately, even if a bit woodenly; Adequately and thoroughly answers the prompt with the target language skills being practiced.
C – Has mostly shallow grasp of the material; participates minimally in discussion; has difficulty offering others much help; struggles to engage in language activities because of inadequate internalizing of the assigned language skills but still attempts to communicate; answers prompts and questions with minimal effort.
D-F – Shows no significant understanding or application of the material

Grading Scale
A = 90-100 = 4.0
B = 80-89 = 3.0
C = 70-79 = 2.0
D = 60-69 = 1.0
F = 59-0 = 0.0                                   

Extra Help
If you realize you do not understand an assignment or are feeling lost, it is your responsibility to reach out to your instructor or someone knowledgeable.

You’re free to use free translation internet sites as long as you realize a computer is not going to be completely correct. You should only use online translators to help point you in the right direction, because you cannot rely on them. If you rely on computer translators, you will sorely be disappointed and people who understand the language will look at you like you’re crazy.  For example, watch what a free translator does to song lyrics when they translate it into a foreign language and then translate it back into English:

Plagiarism is not tolerated. All work must be your own. If you do not clearly understand what constitutes plagiarism, see: