Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday - 2/26 - Homework


Describe una farmacia y por qué necesita ir. 


Finished in Class:

p.249 act. B #2, D, E, F



p. 255-256 Act. G

Informacion Personal p. 259

Watch this Video:

Extra credit points if you do what he says at the end of the video: Look at the practice worksheet and write out the Spanish translations. Then look at the answers and make sure you are right. Then say them a couple times to yourself. Once you've done that and it rolls off the tongue, call me and read it aloud to me on the Spanish voicemail number. 


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday - 2/23 - Homework

Finished in class:

Worksheet handouts

p. 248 Act. A



Notecards of ch. 13 vocab


Write a small story about the picture on p. 247. Must include:

--2 direct object pronouns

--2 indirect object pronouns


Watch this video:

Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday - 2/19 - Homework

Finished in Class:

Worksheet Section 5, 6, and 9


Finish section 9 if necessary

Watch this video:

Here is a list of verbs that are a part of our special Periphrasis structures: These are just the ones that use "a" - this is for your own knowledge. :) If any of them are phrases you'd want to know how to use, you might make note of them.

acercarse a - to approach

acertar a - to manage to

acostumbrarse a - to be/get used to

alcanzar a - to manage to

animar a - to encourage to

aprender a - to learn to

atreverse a - to dare to

ayudar a - to help to

bajar a - to go down to

comenzar a - to begin to

comprometerse a - to undertake to

conducir a - to lead to

contribuir a - to contribute to

convidar a - to invite to

cuidar a - to take care of

decidirse a - to decide to

dedicarse a - to devote oneself to

desafiar a - to challenge to

disponerse a - to get ready to

echar(se) a - to begin to

empezar a - to begin to

enseñar a - to teach to, show how to

forzar a - to force to

impulsar a - to urge to

incitar a - to incite to

inclinar a - to incline to

invitar a - to invite to

ir a - to be going to

limitarse a - to limit oneself to

llegar a - to manage to, succeed in, end up

llegar a ser - to become

llevar a - to lead to

mandar a - to send to

meterse a - to start to

negarse a - to refuse to

obligar a - to force, compel to

pasar a - to go on to

persuadir a - to persuade to

ponerse a - to begin to, set about

prepararse a - to get ready to

renunciar a - to renounce

resignarse a - to resign oneself to

resistirse a - to resist

tender a - to tend to

volver a - to ___ again

Friday, February 12, 2021

Friday - 2/12 - Homework

 Finished in Class

Story questions on p. 234

First page of Indirect object worksheet (BRING this back to class on Tuesday)


Study ch. 12 for quiz on Tuesday (know where to put indirect object pronouns in sentences and commands.)

Do the two following flashcard activities. If you don't know these well, play the games first and get them lodged in your memory. You may do the test as many times as you want to get the grade you want. Send me a screen shot or a picture for your grade for both these sets of flashcards.

For the Grade:

Do the Quiz Me Game for the flashcard set: Small words/adverbs


Do the  Pop Quiz Game for the flashcard set: Irregular commands  

CHANGE/BE SURE the question and answer section says: "Definition/Term":

YOU WILL NEED to type in an e with an accent = "é"

Choice one: hold down the "ALT" key and while holding it type 0233

Choice two: copy the é from this post and paste it in by ONLY pressing "CTRL" +"v" at the same time.

Now, this pop quiz is going to give you a 22/22 as long as you finish putting in the words right, but if you "finish" by just guessing until you get it, you don't actually know the words and I'm suggesting you keep doing it for your own sake to be sure you know these well.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tuesday - 2/9 - Homework


p. 243 Informacion Personales


Finished in Class:

p.236 #2, D 

p. 238 #3, E, F, G 

Notebook p. 56 Ej B 

p. 240 #4, I (together) 

Notebook p. 58 Ej D - partner 

Act J on board all together


Turned in in class:

 Notebook p. 51-58



 p. 241 Act. H

p. 242-243 Preguntas Personales

Watch this video. If you want Extra Credit, do the "Challenge"

Friday, February 5, 2021

Friday - 2/5 - Homework


A conversation between a sales clerk and a customer, using direct pronouns.


Finished in class:

Notebook p. 56-57 A&C, 53-55 D&E

Textbook p. 230 Act. A&B



Vocabulary cards if you want an extra percentage added to a low grade

Conjugate the new 17 verbs and write a group of sentences using that verb and a Direct Object Pronoun.



18 verbs:

prestar - to lend

mostrar - to show

contar - to tell

enseñar - to teach

aprender - to learn

regalar - to gift/to give away

manejar - to drive

mandar - to send

preparar - to prepare

sacar - to take (out)/ to get

doblar - to fold/to bend

entregar - to deliver

dibujar - to draw

cortar - to cut

pegar - to paste/to stick

esperar - to wait/to hope for/to expect

viajar - to travel

deber - to ought to/should